Level 01

Choose the correct option

?The series of reactions in the following image depicts “____________________”


Desalination of water

Origin of Hardness of water

Scum formation in water

Acidification of water

Level 02

Select any 6 ions from the following that make water Hard

?Drag and drop your answers.

Level 03

Drag and drop from the following- various drawbacks of using Hard water.

Level 04

From the tendency of formation of lather on addition of soap, label the following water samples appropriately.

Level 05

Select the methods to that can be used to determine hardness of water.

level-05-01 level-05-02 level-05-03 level-05-04
Level 06

The method used for Determination of hardness of water needs to be reliable and it should give accurate results.

Select the more appropriate method:

Red Pill for EDTA Titration Method


Blue Pill for Soap Titration Method

Level 07

In EDTA complexometric titration, the burette solution must be a good complexing agent and needs to have proper solubility too.

Select the most suitable chemical as burette solution?

Level 08

Complexometric titrations are usually pH dependent as the complex formation occurs at specific pH only. Select the proper pH range for EDTA-metal complex formation.

Select the proper pH range for EDTA-metal complex formation.

Slider Value: 7

Level 09

To carry out metal cation titrations using EDTA, it is almost always necessary to use a complexometric indicator.

The best indicator for Hardness of water is Eriochrome Black T (EBT).

Which of the following shows color change at the end point using EBT?

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